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时间:2019-05-10 作者:




报 告 人:Frank L Lewis 教授


This talk will discuss some new adaptive control structures for learning online the solutions to optimal control problems and multi-player differential games. Techniques from reinforcement learning are used to design a new family of adaptive controllers based on actor-critic mechanisms that converge in real time to optimal control and game theoretic solutions. Continuous-time systems are considered. Application of reinforcement learning to continuous-time (CT) systems has been hampered because the system Hamiltonian contains the full system dynamics. Using our technique known as Integral Reinforcement Learning (IRL), we will develop reinforcement learning methods that do not require knowledge of the system drift dynamics. In the linear quadratic (LQ) case, the new RL adaptive control algorithms learn the solution to the Riccati equation by adaptation along the system motion trajectories. In the case of nonlinear systems with general performance measures, the algorithms learn the (approximate smooth local) solutions of HJ or HJI equations. New algorithms will be presented for solving online the non zero-sum and zero-sum multi-player games. Each player maintains two adaptive learning structures, a critic network and an actor network. The result is an adaptive control system that learns based on the interplay of agents in a game, to deliver true online gaming behavior. A new Experience Replay technique is given that uses past data for present learning and significantly speeds up convergence. New methods of Off-policy Learning allow learning of optimal solutions without knowing any dynamic information. New RL methods in Optimal Tracking allow solution of the Output Regulator Equations for heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Applications are made to Human-Robot Interaction and to efficient control of an Industrial Mineral Grinding Flotation Process.

With aging power distribution systems and new opportunities for renewable energy generation, the smart grid and microgrid are becoming increasingly important. Microgrid allows the addition of local loads and local distributed generation (DG) including wind power, solar, hydroelectric, fuel cells, and micro-turbines. Microgrid holds out the hope of scalable growth in power distribution systems by distributed coordination of local loads and local DG so as not to overload existing power grid generation and transmission capabilities. Sample microgrids are smart buildings, isolated rural systems, and offshore drilling systems. Microgrid takes power from the main power grid when needed, and is able to provide power back to the main power system when there is local generation excess.

When connected to the main distribution grid, microgrid receives a frequency reference from grid synchronous generators. Standard operating procedures call for disconnecting microgrid from the main power grid when disturbances occur. On disconnection, or in islanded mode, the absence of rotating synchronous generation leads to a loss of frequency references. After islanding, it is necessary to return Microgrid DG frequencies to synchronization, provide voltage support, and ensure power quality.

In this talk we also develop a new method of synchronization for cooperative systems linked by a communication graph topology that is based on a novel distributed feedback linearization technique. This cooperative feedback linearization approach allows for different dynamics of agents such as occur in the DGs of a microgrid. It is shown the new cooperative protocol design method allows for frequency synchronization, voltage synchronization, and distributed power balancing in a microgrid after a grid disconnection islanding event. The distributed nature of the cooperative feedback linearization method is shown to lead to sparse communication topologies that are more suited to microgrid control, more reliable, and more economical than standard centralized secondary power control methods.


Frank L Lewis: Member, National Academy of Inventors. Fellow IEEE, Fellow IFAC, Fellow AAAS, Fellow U.K. Institute of Measurement & Control, PE Texas, U.K. Chartered Engineer. UTA Distinguished Scholar Professor, UTA Distinguished Teaching Professor, and Moncrief-O’Donnell Chair at The University of Texas at Arlington Research Institute. Qian Ren Thousand Talents Consulting Professor, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China. Ranked at position 84 worldwide, 64 in the USA, and 3 in Texas of all scientists in Computer Science and Electronics, by Guide2Research. Bachelor's Degree in Physics/EE and MSEE at Rice University, MS in Aeronautical Engineering at Univ. W. Florida, Ph.D. at Ga. Tech. He works in feedback control, reinforcement learning, intelligent systems, and distributed control systems. Author of 7 U.S. patents, 410 journal papers, 426 conference papers, 20 books, 48 chapters, and 12 journal special issues. He received the Fulbright Research Award, NSF Research Initiation Grant, ASEE Terman Award, Int. Neural Network Soc. Gabor Award 2009, U.K. Inst. Measurement & Control Honeywell Field Engineering Medal 2009. Received AACC Ragazzini Education Award 2018, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Neural Networks Pioneer Award 2012 and AIAA Intelligent Systems Award 2016. IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer. Project 111 Professor at Northeastern University, China. Distinguished Foreign Scholar at Chongqing Univ. China. Received Outstanding Service Award from Dallas IEEE Section, selected as Engineer of the Year by Ft. Worth IEEE Section. Listed in Ft. Worth Business Press Top 200 Leaders in Manufacturing. Received the 2010 IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award and the 2010 UTA Graduate Dean’s Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring Award. Elected to UTA Academy of Distinguished Teachers 2012. Texas Regents Outstanding Teaching Award 2013. He served on the NAE Committee on Space Station in 1995.

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