2008.09-2013.07 大连理工大学,土木工程(英语强化)专业,大学本科
2013.09-2020.06 大连理工大学,防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业,博士研究生(硕博连读)
2020.09-2024.08 大连海事大学,交通运输工程学院土木工程系,讲师
2024.09-今 大连海事大学,交通运输工程学院交通工程系,副教授
1. 混凝土结构多维地震响应及动力效应
2. 结构动力计算模型及数值分析方法
3. 近海桥梁全寿命周期安全性能评估
4. 人工智能在桥梁抗震减灾领域的应用
1. 多维动力加载下RC柱变形机制及破坏模式研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (52108438)。(主持)
2. 基于机器学习的桥梁地震易损性评估方法研究,中央高校青年教师科技创新项目 (3132024169)。(主持)
3. 跨海桥梁结构抗震性能及联合抗灾害评估方法,中央高校青年教师科技创新项目 (3132022170)。(主持)
4. 高性能结构抗多次多种灾害全寿命性能分析与设计理论,国家重点研发计划 (2016YFC0701108)。(参与)
5. 重大建筑与桥梁结构地震灾变集成研究,国家自然科学基金委员会重大研究计划第二集成项目 (91315301)。(参与)
1.Rou-Han Li; Chao Li; Hong-Nan Li; Wei-Xiao Xu; Mao Gao; Probabilistic seismic performance assessment of RC frame structures considering dynamic effect and structural parameter uncertainties, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2024, 24(17): 2450190.
2.Rou-Han Li; Mao-Yuan Li; Chao Li; Shuo-Yan Wei; Ling-Jie Kong; Peng Zhang; Development of a numerical model for RC columns considering seismic dynamic effect and different failure modes, Structures, 2024, 62: 106272.
3.Rou-Han Li; Mao-Yuan Li; Xiang-Yang Zhu; Xiang-Wei Zeng; Application of random forest algorithm in estimating dynamic mechanical behaviors of reinforced concrete column members, Applied Sciences-Basel, 2024, 14(6): 2546.
4.Rou-Han Li; Chao Li; Hong-Nan Li; Gang Yang; Peng Zhang; Improved estimation on seismic behavior of RC column members: A probabilistic method considering dynamic effect and structural parameter uncertainties, Structural Safety, 2023, 101: 102308.
5.Rou-Han Li; Mao Gao; Hong-Nan Li; Chao Li; De-Bin Wang; Experimental, theoretical and numerical research progress on dynamic behaviors of RC structural members, Buildings, 2023,13(5): 1359.
6.Chao Li; Yu-Cheng Diao; Rou-Han Li; Hai-Yang Pan; Qiang Han; Hong-Nan Li; Effect of soil spatial variability on characteristics of depth-varying multi-support seismic motions at offshore sites, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 174: 108195.
7.Hong-Nan Li; Rou-Han Li; Chao Li; De-Bin Wang; Development of hysteretic model with dynamic effect and deterioration for seismic performance analysis of reinforced concrete structures, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 2020, 146(10): 04020215.
8.Rou-Han Li; Hong-Nan Li; Chao Li; Dynamic modified model for RC columns based on experimental observations and Bayesian updating method, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 2019, 145(3): 04019005.
9.Rou-Han Li; Hong-Nan Li; Chao Li; Seismic performance assessment of RC frame structures subjected to far-field and near-field ground motions considering strain rate effect, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2018, 18(10): 1850127.
10.Rou-Han Li; Hong-Nan Li; Chao Li; Effect of strain rate on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete structure, 2018 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental & Materials Research (Structures18), Songdo Convensia, Incheon, South Korea, 2018.
11.李柔含; 李宏男; 李超; 考虑动力损伤退化的钢筋混凝土柱恢复力模型, 建筑结构学报, 2018, 39(8): 100-109.
12.Chao Li; Hong-Nan Li; Hao Zhang; Jun-Sheng Su; Rou-Han Li; Yi-Ming Ding; Seismic performance evaluation of large-span offshore cable-stayed bridges under non-uniform earthquake excitations including strain rate effect, Science China Technological Sciences, 2020, 63(7): 1177-1187.
辽宁省力学学会理事、中国公路学会会员、Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE) 等国际期刊审稿人