长期从事海上应急物资调度优化、AIS数据挖掘与分析以及海运网络韧性分析等方面的研究,相关学术成果发表于《European Journal of Operations Research》、《Transportation Research Part E》、《Computers & Industrial Engineering》、《运筹与管理》、《系统工程》等国内外权威期刊。目前受邀担任海运研究领域国际知名期刊《International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics》(SCI检索期刊)副主编。
2016.09-2022.08 大连海事大学交通运输规划与管理 博士研究生(直博)
2012.09-2016.06 大连海事大学航运管理 大学本科
2024.08-至今 大连海事大学交通运输工程学院 副教授
2022.08-2024.08 香港理工大学物流及航运学系 博士后
[1] Lingye Zhang, Dong Yang, Kee-hung Lai. Shipping ecosystem: concept and policy implications. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2024. (SCI; JCR 2区)
[2] Yang, Dong, Xiaoyu Li, Lingye Zhang*. A novel vessel trajectory feature engineering for fishing vessel behavior identification. Ocean Engineering, 2024. (SCI; JCR 1区)
[3] Lingye Zhang, Dong Yang, Xiwen Bai, Kee-hung Lai. How liner shipping heals schedule disruption: A data-driven framework to uncover the strategic behavior of port-skipping. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023. (SCI; ABS 3星; JCR 1区)
[4] Jiaxin Wu, Jing Lu, Lingye Zhang, Hanwen Fan. Spatial heterogeneity among different-sized port communities in directed-weighted global liner shipping network. Journal of Transport Geography, 2024. (SCI; ABS 2星; JCR 1区)
[5] Lingye Zhang, Jing Lu. Optimizing Oil Spill Emergency Logistics: A Time-Varying Multi-Resource Collaborative Scheduling Model. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023. (SCI; JCR 1区)
[6] Lingye Zhang, Jing Lu, Zaili Yang. Optimal scheduling of emergency resources for major oil spills considering time-varying demand and transportation networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 2021. (SCI; ABS 4星; JCR 1区)
[7] Lingye Zhang, Jing Lu, Zaili Yang. Dynamic optimization of emergency resource scheduling in a large-scale oil spill accident. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2021. (SCI; ABS 2星; JCR 1区)
[8] 苏婉, 吕靖, 张聆晔. 韧性视角下我国原油进口海运网络恢复策略优化研究. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2024. (EI)
[9] 张聆晔, 吕靖, 梁孝. 考虑多需求点的海上重大事故应急物资优化调度. 系统工程, 2021. (CSSCI, 人大复印报刊资料转载)
[10] 张聆晔, 吕靖, 班豪, 范瀚文. 考虑油膜动态过程的海上溢油应急物资调度优化. 运筹与管理, 2020. (国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定的“中国管理科学A类重要期刊)
[11] 张聆晔, 吕靖. 风险不确定的海上应急物资储备库选址. 中国安全科学学报, 2019. (中文核心)
[12] 张聆晔, 吕靖, 李晶, 孙茂金. 应对东南亚海域海盗袭击的应急方案选择. 大连海事大学学报, 2018. (中文核心)
吕靖, 张聆晔. 一种海上应急物资优化调度方法及系统, 2023.08, CN201911019743.2
[1] Annual Conference of the International Maritime Economics, Valencia, Spain, 2024. (Best Paper).
[2] Annual Conference of the International Maritime Economics, California, USA, 2023.
[3] Annual Conference of the International Maritime Economics, Hong Kong, China, 2020.
[4] The 2nd International Conference of the Yangtze River Research and Innovation Belt (Y-RIB), Chongqing, China, 2019.
担任SCI检索期刊《International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics》副主编