1991.09-1995.07. 辽宁大学化学专业,大学本科
1997.09-2000.07 辽宁大学化学专业,硕士研究生
2000.09-2004.04 大连海事大学,载运工具运用工程专业,博士研究生
1995.07-1997.09 沈阳塑料研究所,助工。
2006.10-2007.9 瑞典皇家工学院,访问学者
2004-至今 大连海事大学, 材料科学与工程专业
(一) 近年发表的论文
1. Wang, SH, Li, Song*(通讯作者), Cui, QQ, Wen, ZS, Sun, JC, Constructing superior rate-performance manganese-based anode for lithium-ion batteries by tuning interface effect, Materials science and technology,2023, DOI:10.1080/02670836.2023.2245655
2. Zhao, B, Li, Song*(通讯作者), Liu, Y, Bai, MS, Wen, ZS, Ji, SJ , Sun, JC, Ni-MnO2/Graphene as Cathode Material for Super-Capacity Aqueous Rechargeable Zn-Ion Battery, Energy Technology,2023, DOI:10.1002/ente.202201090
3. An, QB, Li, Song*(通讯作者), Zhou, JJ, Ji, SJ, Wen, ZS,; Sun, JC, Novel Spinel Multicomponent High-Entropy Oxide as Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Excellent Electrochemical Performance, Advanced engineering materials, 2023, DOI:10.1080/ 02670836. 2022. 2245655.
4. Wang, SH , Li, Song(通讯作者), Cui, QQ, Sun, JC , Wen, ZS,Boosting the high-rate performance of lithium-ion battery anode using ternary metal oxide composite interface, J. Electroanal. Chem. DOI:10.1016/j.jelechem.2022.116858
5. Zhang, ZN, Shang, HJ, Zhang, XL, Liu, C, Li, Song(通讯作者), Wen, ZS, Ji, SJ,Sun, JC,Enhancing the Electrochemical Performances by Wet Ball Milling to Introduce Structural Water into an Electrolytic MnO2/Graphite Nanocomposite Cathode for Zinc-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied energy materials,2021,4(5), 5113-5122.
6. Zhang, ZN, Li, Song(通讯作者), Zhao, B, Zhang, XL , Wang, XY,Wen, ZS , Ji, SJ , Sun, JC, Joint Influence of Nitrogen Doping and Oxygen Vacancy on Manganese Dioxide as a High-Capacity Cathode for Zinc-Ion Batteries, Journal of physical chemistry C, 2021,125,37: 20195-20203
7. Xiaole Zhang, Song Li(通讯作者), Shenghe Wang, Zhenxu Wang, Zhongsheng Wen,Shijun Ji and Juncai Sun, An amorphous hierarchical MnO2/acetylene black composite with boosted rate performance as an anode for lithium-ion batteries, Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50,10749.
8. Zhang, Xiaole, Li, Song(通讯作者), Wang, Shenghe, Liu, Kun, Zhang, Zining, Wen, zhongsheng, Ji, Shijun, Sun, Juncai, Surface oxygen vacancies boosted high rate performance of porous MnO2 anode for lithium-ion batteries,Ionic,2021,28(1), 139-149
9. Zhang, Xiaole, Li, Song(通讯作者), Wang, Shenghe, Du, Shichao, Wen, Zhongsheng, Sun, JC, Amorphization improving the initial capacity decay of MnO2 anode material for LIBs,Chemical physics letters,2021, 786, 139200.
10. Zhang, Zining), Li, Song, Zhang, Xiaole, Du, Yehong, Wen, Zhongsheng, Ji, Shijun, Sun, Juncai, A novel research on the positive effects of oxygen vacancies for interstitial N-doped MnO2 on lithium-ion diffusion,Materials letters,2021,301, 130259
11. Zhang, Zining, Li, Song, Wang, Xinyu, Wen, Zhongsheng, Sun, Juncai, Single-Atom Platinum Implanted on Manganese Dioxide Boosted the High-Rate Performance of Cathodes for Zinc-Ion Batteries, Journal of physical chemistry C, 2021,125,48, 26371-26378
12. Chang Liu, Xiaole Zhang, Hongjing Shang, Song Li(通讯作者), Zhongsheng Wen, Shijun Ji, Juncai Sun, Nanostructure Fe2O3 surface-coating on MnO2 microspheres as high rate performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of alloys and compounds, 2021, 876,160113.
13. Hongjing Shang, Zining Zhang, Chang Liu, Xiaole Zhang, Song Li*(通讯作者), Zhongsheng Wen, Shijun Ji, Juncai Sun, MnO2@V2O5 Microspheres as cathode material for high performance aqueous rechargeable Zn-Ion Battery, [J]. J. Electroanal. Chem. 2021, 115253
14. 王志超,商洪静,郭广志,汤杰,李嵩*(通讯作者),王昕宇,孙俊才.高稳定性水系锌离子电池正极材料MnO2@MgO的制备与性能[J].无机化学学报,2020,36(05):857-863.
15. Pengyu Chen, Guotao Zheng, Song Li*(通讯作者), Zhichao Wang, Guangzhi Guo, JieTang, Zhongsheng Wen, Shijun Ji, Jinlong Cui, Juncai Sun, Hydrothermal synthesis of core-shell Mn3O4@C microspheres as superior anode materials for high-performance lithium-ion storage, [J]. Solid State Ionics, 2019, 338:121-126.
16. Pengyu Chen, Guotao Zheng, Guangzhi Guo, Zhichao Wang, JieTang, Song Li*(通讯作者), Zhongsheng Wen, Shijun Ji, Juncai Sunet al. Ce-doped V2O5 microspheres with improved electrochemical performance for high-power rechargeable lithium ion batteries[J]. J Alloys and Compounds, 2019,574-583.
1. 2023年获得大连海事大学校优秀硕士研究生导师。
2. 2019年和2023年指导的陈鹏宇和王圣和同学的硕士学位论文分别获得大连海事大学优秀硕士论文。
3. 2022年荣获2021-2022学年大连海事大学优秀教学二等奖。
4. 2017-2022年连续6年本科教学考核成绩为优秀。
lisong@dlmu.edu.cn 15566802005