2003.9-2008.6 大连理工大学土木工程(英语强化)专业,大学本科
2008.9-2010.3 大连理工大学结构工程专业,硕士研究生
2010.3-2016.6 大连理工大学结构工程专业,博士研究生
2010.9-2012.9 美国休斯敦大学博士联合培养
2020.6-至今 大连海事大学交通运输工程学院副教授
交通工程、交通工程导论、钢结构设计原理、钢结构课程设计、工程结构抗震设计、SeismicDesignof Engineering Structures(双语)、工程导论(中外合作办学)、结构优化设计(博士)、智能材料与结构(硕士)
[4].利用防屈曲支撑提高钢管混凝土肋拱桥抗震性能研究(Z2) 参与
[5].海床-立管-浮式结构体系动力响应特性研究与智慧评价知识库构建 参与
[1].张鹏、刘海涛、杨刚、吴思润基于碰撞调谐质量阻尼器的矮塔斜拉桥减震研究世界地震工程, 2020, 36(4): 163-168
[2].张鹏;李宏男;田利;张卓群;范颖芳 输电塔-线体系振动控制研究进展 沈阳建筑大学学报.自然科学版, 2018, 34(3): 465-473
[3].张鹏;李宏男;田利;张卓群 弹簧摆的内共振原理及其对输电塔的减震作用 世界地震工程, 2016, 2016(1): 210-218.
[4].张鹏;李宏男;宋钢兵;张卓群;霍林生 基于H∞范数的输电塔结构动力优化 计算力学学报, 2015, 2015(5): 608-612.
[5].张鹏*;李宏男;宋钢兵;张卓群 输电塔-调谐质量阻尼器减振系统的一体化设计 电力建设, 2015, 36(5): 84-90.
[6].Zhang Peng; Song Gang-Bing*; Li Hong-Nan; Lin You-Xin; Seismic Control of Power Transmission Tower Using Pounding TMD.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 139(10): 1395-1406. SCI,EI.
[7].Song Gang-Bing*; Zhang Peng; Li Lu-Yu; Singla Mithun; Patil Devendra; Li Hong-nan; Mo Yi-Lung; Vibration Control of a Pipeline Structure Using Pounding Tuned Mass Damper. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2016, 142(6): 040160311-0401603110. SCIE, EI.
[8].Zhang Peng; Li Lu-Yu; Patil Devendra; Singla Mithun; Li Hong-Nan; Mo Yi-Lung; Song Gang-Bing*; Parametric study of pounding tuned mass damper for subsea jumpers. Smart materials and structures, 2016, 25(1): 15-28. SCIE, EI.
[9].Li Hong-Nan#*; Zhang Peng#; Song Gang-Bing*; Patil Devendra; Mo Yi-Lung; Robustness study of the pounding tuned mass damper for vibration control of subsea jumpers. Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 24(9): 1-12. SCIE, EI.
[10].Peng Zhang; Linsheng Huo*; Gangbing Song*; Impact Fatigue of Viscoelastic Materials Subjected to Pounding. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(1)
[11].Peng Zhang; Jinwei Jiang; Guangtao Lu; Low Temperature Influence on the Behavior of Viscoelastic Layer of the Pounding Tuned Mass Damper Materials, 2019, 12(23).
[12].P Zhang,D Patil,S Ho; Effect of Seawater Exposure on Impact Damping Behavior of Viscoelastic Material of Pounding Tuned Mass Damper (PTMD) Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(4).
[13].Zhang P , Tan J , Liu H , et al. Seismic Vibration Mitigation of a Cable-Stayed Bridge with Asymmetric Pounding Tuned Mass Damper[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 2021(25):1-13.
[14].Zhang P , Liu H , Jiang X , et al. Numerical Model of Leachate Recirculation in Bioreactor Landfills with High Kitchen Waste Content[J]. Water, 2021, 13(13):1750.
[15].Zhang P et al.Holistic Design of Energy Pile Bridge De-icing System with Ontology Based Multi-Objective Decision Making. Frontiers. 2021
[16].张卓群*;李宏男;李士锋;任宗栋;张鹏 输电塔-线体系灾变分析与安全评估综述 土木工程学报, 2016, 2016(12): 75-88. EI.
[17].王奇;李宏男;张鹏 弹簧摆碰撞减震系统计算模型研究 沈阳建筑大学学报.自然科学版, 2018, 34(2): 222-228
[18].林友新*;贾子光;任亮;李宏男;成明涛;张鹏 基于磁流变阻尼器的结构损伤模拟试验研究 振动与冲击, 2014, 33(7): 147-152.
[19].李宏男;田利;张鹏 高压输电塔-线体系多维多点振动台试验模型研究 土木建筑与环境工程, 2010, 2010(s2): 626-628.
[20].Li Tian; Kunjie Rong; Kaiming Bi; Peng Zhang; A Bidirectional Pounding Tuned Mass Damper and its Application to Transmission Tower-Line Systems Under Seismic Excitations. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019
[21].Fu Xing; Li Hong-Nan; Li Jia-Xiang; Zhang Peng; A pounding spacer damper and its application on transmission line subjected to fluctuating wind load. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2017, 24(8): 1-12
[22].Tian Li*; Ma Rui-Sheng; Li Hong-Nan; Zhang Peng; Seismic response of straight line type and broken line type transmission lines subjected to non-uniform seismic excitations. Advanced Steel Construction, 2014, 10(1): 85-98. SCI,EI.
[23].Yaoyao Duan;Wenxi Wang;Peng Zhang;Gangbing Song;New Type of Pounding Tuned Mass Damper for Confined Space. Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2020
[24].J Tan; P Zhang; Q Feng et al;Passive Seismic Protection of Building Piping Systems — A Review. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2020
[1].张鹏,刘海龙,赵九野,刘铁新,战庆亮,崔春义基于碎片化学习的“钢结构设计原理”课程教学改革 航海教育研究2019.9
[1].“专项工程实践教学基地建设” (教育部产学研协同育人项目J4)
[2].基于“线上线下混合模式”的“钢结构设计原理”课程教学改革与实践 (校级教改)
兼任中国地震工程学会岩土工程防震减灾专业委员会专委委员,辽宁省力学学会理事;同时担任《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《Structures》、《International Journal of Stability and Dynamics》、《Journal of Vibration and Control》、《IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution》 等期刊审稿人工作。